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after years of study and practice, continues to feel stuck and unable to consistently navigate challenges from a place of trusting yourself and life? Or maybe you are a transformational leader, visionary, mental health professional, coach, changemaker and/or humanitarian who isn't yet finding true fulfillment in your service to the world.
If so, Embodying Grace provides you with the heartmap and the tools to experience inner safety to be fully present in your heart with access to all you need in the moment for peace, healing, and transformation so you can navigate the challenges of life with a deeper love for yourself, compassion for the circumstances you find yourself in, and a sense of connectedness with your divinity.

Embodying Grace by Dr Lori Leyden, intertwines profound spiritual wisdom and practical life skills, delivered in a tender and light-hearted way. Lori illustrates an empowering approach to maneuver through difficulties and ground ourselves, irrespective of our position along life’s trajectory. Having embraced principles from the first edition over the past eight years, I am beyond excited by this revised and extended body of work. Embodying Grace is a roadmap that will markedly impact readers lives and create ripples beyond their imagination. I invite you to explore these principles in your life ~ you will be enriched forever."
~ Kate Helder
Director Mind Heart Connect Foundation
Dr. Lori Leyden knows trauma, whether through her own harrowing life experience or that of genocide survivors in Rwanda, school shooting survivors in Sandy Hook or Parkland or a remote Aboriginal community in Australia. What she also knows is how to navigate through and thrive on the other side of seemingly insurmountable suffering. Dr. Lori’s ‘Grace Process’ described in this book is the easy-to-follow blueprint that takes you from darkness into the light. Embodying Grace is your guide to truly live from these principles of love so you can enjoy a life of joy, compassion, and peace.
~ Natalie Ledwell
Best Selling Author and Founder of Mind Movies
There is no better way to begin a book than by acknowledging our innate divinity! Embodying Grace provides all the needed guideposts in undertaking our spiritual journey to remember who we really are. No matter how difficult our journey may have been, this book shows exactly how the process of trusting in an ever-present, all-surrounding grace leads us to the synergy and wholeness that allows us to live as the divine beings we are to help bring about global healing.
~ Robert Atkinson, Phd
Award-winning author of The Story of Our Time and A New Story of Wholeness | Co-editor of Our Moment of Choice
Writing about this book is like trying to describe the vastness of the ocean in a drop! Dr. Leyden's "Embodying Grace" eloquently reminds us that our inherent nature is one of wholeness and holiness. Her Grace Process offers a potent and practical method to help us heal ourselves and, thus, the world. We are all explorers at heart. This book is a beacon, guiding us toward inner transformation. "Embodying Grace" is a testament to the profound impact we can have on our lives and the world when we embrace the path of grace.
~ Dr. Elizabeth Kapu'uwailani Lindsey
National Geographic Explorer
Embodying Grace by Lori Leyden, PhD, MBA, is an urgent and empowering call for us to embody and live our spiritual values. Dr. Leyden provides a clear and inspiring roadmap to do just that to activate our divinity in a real and tangible way, so we can evolve personally and contribute to global healing. It's clear that Dr. Leyden lives her work and has so brought much grace to communities in trauma around the world. Embodying Grace truly is a balm of healing and hope for a world hungry for grace and interconnectedness.
~ Jeffrey Van Dyk
Founder, The Courageous Messenger
Embodying Grace by Dr. Lori Leyden offers a paradigm shift in trauma healing literature. Leyden's candor about her own challenges and her work helping survivors of unthinkable trauma provides a compelling narrative free of the clichéd new-age language. Her deep compassion, wisdom, and relatability shine throughout the book, making the healing journey she describes feel tangible. This book is an essential resource for those on the spiritual path, encapsulating the true essence of healing.
~ Lisa Witter, DHP
Psycho-Spiritual Counselor | Founder, The Karmic Warrior | Bestselling Author
With each page in Embodying Grace I found myself swept away by a tide of emotions and compelled to take meaningful action in my own life. Through Dr. Leyden’s own transformative journey and story, she unveils the intricate threads that have woven together the framework of the 5 Stages of Embodied Grace. The book's gentle yet potent guidance led me to experience personal breakthroughs, leaving me profoundly touched and invigorated. Dr. Leyden's words are more than mere text; they are a guiding light that illuminates a path toward self-discovery, healing, and empowerment.
~ Andee Love
Whatever page you open, wisdom and common sense will resonate within you... More than a concept, Dr. Lori Leyden shares here smart tools to evolve closer to our ideal life trajectory. But there's another reason to read the whole book, the reminder message is essential. Like your breath… I won't spoil it, just think back to the first breath when you were born, a metaphor for this inspired and insightful publication. Thank you, Dr. Lori Leyden, for the gift of grace truly embodied here, and for the harmonious frequency carried in Embodying Grace: Trusting Yourself, Your Life, and Your Divinity!
~ Sophie Roumeas
Family Constellations Facilitator| Hypnotherapist | Writer
Embodying Grace is a must to read; it is a powerful process to integrate into your daily life. Dr. Lori Leyden shares her proven method of freeing yourself from the illusion of separation and needless suffering to a life of wellbeing and connectedness. Everything that you experience is an opportunity to heal. I love her book showing us how to choose and live a life flowing in grace.
~ Dr. Anita Sanchez
International Trainer | Coach and Author of The Four Sacred Gifts: Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times
Dr. Lori Leyden’s inspiring book, Embodying Grace: Trusting Yourself, Your Life and Your Divinity, is an incredibly valuable resource and must read for anyone on a spiritual journey. With her simple, but powerful formula and deeply vulnerable stories, she lays out a path for truly living one’s spiritual journey. Dr. Leyden’s process resonated with me on so many levels because Trust is a core element of who I am and what I teach, and the book gave me a new perspective on how I’m embodying grace in my own life. Whether you are a seasoned spiritual seeker or someone just starting out on your journey, there is something to learn for everyone. This is a book to savor.
~ Karen Ann Bulluck
Risk-Taking Coach | Speaker | Bestselling Author
Let Dr. Lori Leyden be your charming, humble and expert guide to manifesting your divinity – not from any outside source but by learning to let your own light shine. In Embodying Grace, Dr. Lori leads you step by step through a life-changing transformation. She translates her experience teaching a pathway to healing to victims of trauma as tragic as genocide and school shootings into simple, practical steps for bringing forth gratitude, love, joy and wonder in your life. Open your heart to your soul’s highest purpose and watch the miracles unfold!
~ Rev. Deborah Moldow
Founder The Garden of Light Director | Evolutionary Leaders Circle of the Source of Synergy Foundation
In a world that feels full of chaos and fear, Lori Leyden offers shelter in the storm and a path to faith and Grace. So many of us were never taught how to access the Divine and build a trusting two-way relationship with a higher power. Lori has given us the roadmap we’ve needed.
~ Laura Berman, PhD
NYT Best Selling Author and host of the Language of Love Podcast
As a next-generation leader working at the intersection of ecology, spirituality and social transformation, I’m inspired by Dr. Leyden’s down to earth, openhearted approach to living an intentional life in the face of seemingly overwhelming challenges. In the midst of the many crises of our times, Lori’s book, Embodying Grace, provides a concise intuitive map of humanity’s inner landscape and the tools to navigate this complex terrain. This is a book for anyone who would like to become a better version of themselves and be part of creating a more just, loving and regenerative future for us all.
~ Téana David
Executive Director, ILLUMINATE Film Festival

Lori Leyden, Phd., MBA is an internationally known trauma healing expert and spiritual guide. She works with successful leaders and influencers who yearn to have a greater impact in healing our world.
Dr. Leyden also works in traumatized communities that have experienced genocide, war, and school shootings. She is the developer of the 5 Stages of Embodied Grace, The Grace Process®, Founder of the non-profit Create Global Healing, and Producer of the award-winning documentary, When I Was Young I Said I Would Be Happy chronicling the transformation of 12 Project LIGHT: Rwanda orphan genocide survivors and how they paid it forward to hundreds from Rwanda to Sandy Hook, CT.
Dr. Leyden is a member of the Global Evolutionary Leaders Council and Association of Transformational Leaders as well as an Evidence-Based EFT Master Trainer