Imagine living your life in total trust, free of past traumas so that you can embody your uniquely Divine destiny...
I’m Lori Leyden, PhD, MBA. I’ve dedicated my life to healing my own traumas and guiding others who want to move from trauma to total trust so they can experience their divinity, step into their destiny, and have a greater impact in healing our world.
Over the last three decades as a trauma healing expert, transformational leader and spiritual mentor, here’s one thing I know to be true – the time for spiritual practice is over! That’s why my work focuses on truly embodying our spirituality through the healing power of our Heart-Brain-Body connection, the 5 Stages of Embodied Grace© and The Grace Process®. I’m grateful you’ve found your way here.
Guiding principles for moving from trauma to total trust with The Grace Process®:
Our fundamental trauma is the illusion of separation from the Divine.
We have the power to choose to heal with grace.
Our healing begins with the intention to be free from trauma so that we have the freedom to trust -- ourselves, others, the circumstances we find ourselves in, and the Divine.
We have the power to uncover the judgments we have
about ourselves, others, the circumstances we find ourselves in, and the Divine .
We have the power to uncover the forgiveness we need
of ourselves, others, the circumstances we find ourselves in, and the Divine.
We have the power to choose the energies of Gratitude, Love, Joy and Wonder
to accelerate our healing process.
We have the power to open to receive
the grace and healing we desire so that we may embody our Divinity.

Discover the path from trauma to trust...
Download the 5 Stages of Embodied Grace Ebook for FREE